Showcase Your Value While Working Remotely

Working remotely is a much-desired perk. However, it can sometimes come at a cost when remote workers face career difficulties. For instance, since there aren't many face-to-face interactions, it's simpler to disappear into the background.
And with remote working arrangements, you don't have the visibility you usually would have with your remote team and managers.
While many factors beyond your control can come into play, there are ways to make yourself and your good work more visible to your managers while working remotely.
Here are some suggestions to help you stand out and showcase your value when working from home or remotely.
1- Demonstrate comfort with working from home
Before you start your remote job, your employer may ask you about your home office installation to ensure that you have the best conditions to deliver. In this context, show them that working from home/remotely is something you are comfortable with and can generate positive results: better productivity, better organization of your work, and less time wasted commuting...
Among the most appreciated elements of remote employees, we find flexibility, autonomy, work-life balance, commitment, and efficiency at work.
Do you find that this is what you are looking for? If yes, these are the arguments to put forward. It will strengthen the confidence between you and the recruiter.
Your manager needs to be reassured that you have an excellent home workspace because that will positively impact your physical health.
And did you know that employees with good posture are more confident and perform better in their jobs? According to a study by UpRight and Ernst & Young, 75% of those with good posture are more productive at work than those who slouch.
If you need help creating your ideal work-from-home setup, visit one of our earlier blogs.
2- Overcommunication is key
When working remotely, there is another significant component to consider: communication.
Remember that you cannot see your team members' emotions or body language.
It's unconscious, but during our in-office exchanges, we relied heavily on these two elements.
But how to make sure everything is well communicated then?
If you've achieved something significant, share it. It might look like presenting a few metrics of your work with your manager each week, either in a one-on-one meeting or by email, but it could also be with the whole team!
Get into the habit of writing as much as possible to as many people as possible.
I know this is challenging for some, but it is necessary for the success of remote workers.
Overshare the information, send an email, or publish it on your communication channels like Slack!
Provide an update, ask a question or even share a funny meme.
Write everything on Notion, and centralize information as well.
Inform folks of your goals, what you'll be doing, and what you accomplished.
If you think some coworkers might not appreciate it, your employer - the most crucial audience - will be aware of what you are doing and help you showcase your work.
It's not about bragging, just letting others know that you accomplish many tasks, even if they don't see you working. This gives you increased visibility throughout the organization as people understand your role and the added value you bring to the business.

3- Spread positive vibes and get to know your colleagues
Not every day is perfect, and not everyone always feels positive, but your well-being and that of your colleagues is vital.
Check-ins are essential; when chatting before a meeting, ask others how they feel, what they did during the weekend, etc.
Share stuff about yourself as well. It could be birds you saw while walking, fun things your kids did, or a book you read. If necessary, prepare each day in advance a list of various topics to discuss. Everything you focus on spreads, so feel free to spread positive thoughts into the lives of your co-workers.
As a bonus, if you can use humor, do it. Laughter and positive energy bring teams together and make people feel good around you. Although doing a good job and having a positive presence does not guarantee that your job will be maintained, it does increase your chances because you prove your worth to the company and the people around you.
According to Valerie Forgeard, a positive attitude can be fostered by building a supportive and positive work environment that encourages collaboration among employees.
All employees should feel part of a supportive team; they will contribute more to the business's success when they are part of healthy company culture.
4- Remain attentive and involved
You must remain attentive when participating in these video conferencing. You may have used the time in traditional conference room sessions to practice multitasking. It's critical to resist the temptation to check your email or concentrate on another project while on a zoom call.
When your manager or teammate speaks, nod your head to show that you are paying attention and interested. This will show your company that you are genuinely invested in your team when working remotely and can help everyone feel connected.
As mentioned, open and regular communication is the most excellent method to demonstrate to your employer and team that you are engaged when working from home. If you're unsure about your ability to communicate and stay connected with your team effectively, watching our super informative webinar might provide you with helpful tips and tactics.
Also, it would be best if you showed interest in what your colleagues and other team members are doing. That way, you can understand more how their work might affect yours. You never know; it might even help you bring innovative answers to potential challenges.
5- Weekly 1:1
Organize regular 1:1 with your manager.
The distance requires additional momentum to seek information from both employees and managers.
To achieve this, show initiative and ask your manager for a regular catch-up to make weekly updates on your progress, goals, and missions via video calls.
This guarantees healthy and constructive communication and ensures that everything remains effective.
The idea is not to allow micromanaging, but to show your work, discuss your to-do list and have a second opinion in case you need it.
Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid disappointments. You will know precisely what your manager expects from you by the end of the day, have better time management, and achieve professional development.
From self-managing workloads, meeting deadlines, and doing your tasks. Inform your managers if there are any issues. Employees are expected to manage their workloads remotely, and supervisors do not wish to micromanage.
Moreover, work processes should be fixed and improved as needed, and incremental changes should be driven. When working on a task, you are responsible for its success. Fix it if it needs to be fixed. Don't wait for someone to tell you to enhance operations.
And lastly, do your job. Your ability to do your duties is the manager's first and most crucial requirement. Make sure you are completing the tasks that have been specified.
So are you ready to embark on a full-time remote job?
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