Relocate with remote work, is it possible?

Amaury de Thibault
March 28, 2022

Everyone has been working from home for more than two years now. We all understand that you can work from anywhere and not need to stay in a big city anymore.

We've witnessed an exodus to the countryside.

Covid accelerated a trend that was on its way.

Employers now realize their employees are productive, working from home or anywhere else. At the same time, employees enjoy it more as they could spend more time with their families or enjoy their hobbies.

Work locations have been a central angle regarding careers for a while. Back in XVIIth, millions left the countryside to find work in cities. White & blue-collar workers continued to migrate to big hubs up until recently.

But thanks to the pandemic, it became more acceptable to work fully remote. I remember we used to call remote, the future of work!

Many - myself included - understood that a remote career allows us to get the job we want without compromising our personal lives.

It is no surprise that remote work is a considerable time saver. An obvious advantage is that it allows remote workers to save time in transportation and to be able to lead a simpler family life, such as picking up my children from school and having lunch with family and friends. This balance between professional and personal life is sometimes challenging to manage. But with the flexibility of remote work, you will be able to organize your time as you wish, which allows you to work at your own pace and ultimately make you more productive than when you commute.

So, should we expect a wave of relocations with the rise of remote working? We realized that relocation and remote work are related concepts following the pandemic and the lockdown. The pandemic has changed some habits. It has revealed that some jobs that we thought were very complicated to do remotely are very doable from home, particularly because of the technology and the excellent internet connection that has been around for a long time. Remote work offers the possibility of globalization to the most skilled jobs, with the option of accessing increasingly numerous qualified workers.

This does not only benefit companies but also workers who will have the opportunity to relocate wherever they want. They will choose to travel to another country where the cost of living is much more affordable or move to another city with a better living environment.

However, most people relocating are retirees who want to move to an exotic place or a bigger house, generally where the cost of living is less expensive. For them, it is easier than active people because they don't have strings attached to work.

If an employer asks his employees to be on-site Monday at 9 am for a quarterly meeting with more than 400 employees - most probably on zoom -  it would seem impossible to relocate.

As a full-time remote employee, you're not tied down to any specific location because of work as long as you have a great internet connection.

Even if Covid is about to end, many remote workers still do their job from their standard location. Airbnb's revenue is skyrocketing mainly thanks to remote workers.

Why do you need to stay in your hometown or a dark gray city like New York or London to work full-time remotely?

You aren't the only one. 75% of the employees say they will relocate if they go full-remote from a survey.

Those remote workers are not & won't be only digital nomads.

Families spend more time with children, and many want a better work-life balance. They enjoy a healthier life, have more time for their side projects, and still get the chance to choose the career they want.

We often talk about being close to the office, but the benefit of being a full-time remote worker will give you more chances to get closer to great schools & universities!

On the other hand, it's also a huge benefit for companies. Distributed team members allow them to have a larger spectrum of candidates. Moreover, you can hire anyone anywhere. You could operate in new countries far easier. They don't need to open an on-site workspace.

It will also allow companies to grow their team faster and, at the same time, build multicultural teams with employees coming from different places.

The pandemic hit hard, and companies' mindsets regarding employee retention changed. For employees too!

Offering macchiatos juices at the office makes employees more comfortable on-site, not following employees' life objectives.

Remote work leaves a wide choice for the employees. They could easily decide their lifestyle, where they want to live without taking a pay cut.

20% of workers will stay ten years more in their current company if their employers help them relocate.

There are plenty of full-time remote work opportunities out there. At the same time, many companies that used to hire for full-remote roles are changing their strategy.

When covid hit, many companies went on remote-friendly mode to keep hiring people to reach their objectives. Unfortunately, when covid ends, they will favor on-site again.

Tons of full-time remote workers will have an unpleasant surprise in the upcoming months or years. There will be more and more on-site meetings that will require physical presence. Their human resources cherish the on-site work environment, and companies' policies favor full-time remote workers. Off-site workers will have more rewards and recognition. Hence, they will be promoted faster.

To secure a fully remote position as a candidate, you will need to check if the job you are applying for is really fully remote, then do your research and prepare for the interviews. Trust us, 95% of candidates placed by us approve of this strategy.

When we decide to onboard a company on our platform, there will always be the first audit to ensure remote career opportunities are a reality.

We declined many tech companies that suddenly became remote-friendly after the coronavirus hit.

We only focus on full-remote tech companies as it gives our candidates the chance to have several hiring processes where we help them make the right choice.

Want to give it a try? Check out our open positions.